The Great American Lie Whole School License—DVD, PDF Curriculum, & PPR
$ 349.00
What it is: DVD and curriculum for High School and University level students. Includes unlimited rights to use the curriculum and host unlimited screenings on one campus for parents, educators, students and the community at large.
Each license is site-specific, so school screenings must take place on the campus for which it was purchased only.
Who it’s for: Colleges/universities, high schools
What you get:
- The Great American Lie feature film DVD (not-rated, appropriate for ages 14+; region free with a total running time of 87 minutes)
- The Great American Lie exclusive curriculum for high school and college/university (delivered via email as a PDF with embedded video links)
- License for public performance rights (PPR) to screen in perpetuity at one location named in your order
*International shipping subject to a $30 surcharge.